Privacy Policy

Parties and responsibility for the processing of your personal data

AFIA (hereinafter referred to as the association) is the personal data controller for the processing of personal data that takes place within the framework of the association’s activities. The purpose of the association is to unite people as well as strengthen, mediate and elevate the possibilities for African cultural dances and Streetdance from the African diaspora. Afia’s core principals value people’s differences/similarities, community, knowledge, integrity, social/ cultural responsibility and equal representation of culture/bodies and gender. Afia aims to broaden the range of cultural expressions in Sweden as an active participant with the ambition to offer self-produced cultural activities and performing arts.

Why do we process your personal data?

In order for the association to be able to conduct its activities, personal data is processed for different purposes linked to the business. The association processes personal data in order to administer ongoing association activities (e.g. events and member meetings), communicate with the members (invitations to activities, information to guardians, etc. ) and manage member-related financial transactions (participant and event fees, etc.). The association also processes personal data to apply for grants from, amongst others, United Soul National organization. The association is the personal data controller for the processing of the personal data that takes place at:

● Management of memberships in the association
● Association administration
● Participation in the association’s events
● Participation in the association’s competition activities
● Application for grants
● Compilation of statistics and follow-ups
● Trainings and workshops arranged by the association
● Contact with members
● Visits of the website
● Publication of material on the website and social media
● Access ban (if applicable)
● Disorderly conduct and unauthorized interference (if applicable)

Who do we share personal data with?

The data will not be transferred to third countries and your personal data will not be subjected to automated decision-making.

Who do we share personal data with?

The association has compiled below the legal basis for the processing of personal data that takes place within the association’s operations.

Purpose of processing
Legal basis
Management of memberships in association
Association administration
Participation in the association’s training activities
Participation in the association’s activities
Application for grants
Legal obligation
Compilation of statistics and follow-ups
General interest
Trainings arranged by the association
General interest at state grant-financed education, otherwise by consent
Contact with the association
Balance of interests
Visits of the website
Balance of interests
Publication of material on the website and social media
Balance of interests
Access ban
Legal obligation
Disturbance and unauthorized influence
Legal obligation

How long do we store your personal data?

The association will carry out an annual assessment if the purpose of the processing of the personal data remains. If the purpose of the processing of the personal data does not remain, the data will be deleted.

What rights do you have?

As a registered member of the association, you have several rights that you should be aware of. You have the right to receive a register extract regarding the association’s processing of your personal data. The association must, upon request of the register extract, provide you with a copy of the personal data that is being processed. For any additional copies requested, the association has the right to charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. In some cases, you also have the right to data portability of the personal data. You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is incorrect, incomplete or misleading and the right to limit the processing of the personal data until they are changed. Under certain circumstances, you have the right to be deleted:

● If the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected
● If the processing is based on the individual’s consent and you revoke the consent.
● If the processing takes place for direct marketing and you object to the processing of the data
● If you object to personal data processing that takes place within the framework of exercise of authority, or after a balancing of interests which leave no justified reasons which outweigh your interests
● If the personal data has been processed illegally
● If deletion is required to comply with a legal obligation
● If the personal data relates to children and has been collected in connection with the child creating a profile in a social network

You also have the right to withdraw consent, object to automatic decision-making, profiling and objecting to direct marketing. You can exercise your rights at any time by requesting access to and correction or deletion of personal data; request restriction of processing; or object to processing. Contact the board at to exercise your rights. Furthermore, you have the right to file a complaint regarding the association’s processing of personal data to IMY, visit

What rights do you have?

If you have questions about the association’s personal data processing or want to exercise your rights, you can contact the board.

AFIA Non-profit Association (2022)